Who is Epic Communications 


Architecting and developing innovative solutions for your technology environment is what has earned us our reputation. We bring enterprise-grade solutions to business of all sizes.

We don’t use templated approaches, we communicate with our clients about their business and their technology requirements. For us, fixing problems is just the start, our point of difference is about finding solutions to maximise your whole IT environment. This is what we are good at.

Our biggest struggle is making businesses of all sizes understand the importance of investing in their IT. This is a historical failure of the IT industry. Buying products off the shelf without proper planning and support will take precious time away from you to set it up and trouble shoot. Epic Communications can manage your IT environment, so it works exactly the way you need it. No precious hours lost trying to solve IT riddles.

Trust is at the centre of everything because we often have more access to a client’s data than they do. The importance of this trust is never underestimated at Epic Communications. We maintain highly trained engineers who know their products and are experienced in working with confidential data. Our commitment to quality and professionalism means our client’s trust is never breached.